Arturia MicroBrute Analog Synthesizer Review

Arturia MicroBrute Analog Synthesizer Review

For musicians or music lovers, synthesizers are the way to go if you want to create various sounds with just one machine. However, if you are looking for a synthesizer that is compact, yet has all the features you need in a synthesizer, the Arturia MicroBrute Analog Synthesizer should be on your consideration list.

If you are a beginner and want a synthesizer that will grow along with you, the Arturia MicroBrute Analog Synthesizer is here to help you out. This simple, yet powerful machine will help you produce a variety of sounds without having to purchase instruments to produce these sounds. Here are the other details of the Arturia MicroBrute Analog Synthesizer.


  • This synthesizer comes with a 100% analog audio signal path to assist in music production
  • The Steiner-Parker Multimode Filter is also included in the machine in three levels—LP, BP, HP
  • You can also modify the oscillator functions thanks to the Overtone Sub-Osc, oscillator mixer which allows you to use four functions: sub, square, sawtooth and triangle
  • You will also be able to plug in your MIDI devices thanks to its 5-pin DIN connector or a USB port and preferred audio output


For a synthesizer with packed features, the Arturia MicroBrute Analog Synthesizer sounds like the best choice to consider for anyone looking for an affordable, yet powerful machine. However, what are the benefits and negatives that can be experienced when you purchase this product?


The Arthuria synthesizer is a surprise synthesizer that is sure to catch your heart once you purchase it. If you like to make all kinds of music in every genre, this synthesizer will not disappoint, thanks to its wave-shaping capacity. It can easily create ambient, drone and high-rock tones as if you are using a professional synthesizer.

Another big plus with this synthesizer is the filter because the sound it can create is out of this world. The output it produces is also quite loud and full, ensuring that you will rarely use your external speakers, unless you want to hear it louder than ever.

The oscillator function and the sequencer bring out more of the analog quality you would like to hear with this machine. It is also great that you can plug in your preferred instruments and MIDI devices to add to your sound samples. You will also be surprised to see a small patch panel with dry-erase templates which serve as a save folder for your finished panels.

You will also not have any problems connecting your samples to a desktop or mobile phone because it comes with software for that effect. Beginners will also love this synthesizer because it is very easy to understand and once you get a hang of it, you won’t want to put it down for a long time. Considering the power this mini synthesizer has in its box, the price is definitely a steal you shouldn’t miss.


Unfortunately, the Arturia Microbrute Analog Synthesizer does have some faults that you may want to consider before you actually purchase it. In terms of the design, the keys of this synth can be very tiny, especially if you have thick fingers. It also does not immediately work once you plug it in, and you will need time to set up the whole thing before you actually make music with it.

It also may feel like those cheap keyboards used back in the day, and can break if you put too much force in it. In terms of sounds, this synth cannot actually play chords because the synth is monophonic in nature. You will not be able to play two or more tunes at the same time. Since this synth is quite small, you may find yourself unable to exercise its powers fully because it only comes with mini-keys instead of full-size keys.

As a result, you may find your tunes a little off that could be remedied with a full-size key. There is also only one oscillator with this synth, which can limit how much you can produce with this synth. Saving your sound samples can be difficult as well because this synth does not have any way of doing so. You will need a pen and paper with you so you can easily record your setup.

Bottom line

It is important to have a synth that has all the features you need for music creation, even if it is affordable and compact. With the Arturia MicroBrute Analog Synthesizer, you will be able to produce killer music from a small package, regardless of your synthesizer level and improve your sound skills as if you are using a synthesizer used by professionals.

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